Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Blob

Blob 1 - Word of the day blob - noun (thing) - much like a blog but not.

As I scrolled through facebook today, I was thrown aback by the lack of peoples ability to spell! Don't get me wrong, I am not very good at spelling but some of these people just make me laugh, one girl posted - "Awsum wud luv 2 try it sure id do beta than sum o them,lol"...REALLY?! she spelled 5 words right...and the other half of the words aren't even real!  I have this fear that my newborn son is going to grow up and go to a school that teaches kids so write ... lol, rofl...i luv u...w/e and all that jazz....ok its not really a fear but you get the brain is numb so I am done for now...later doll face!

1 comment:

  1. haha love it...spelling errors on facebook drive me crazy!!! I have deleted no less then 12 people because I could no longer deal with their stupidity.
